We are so happy to be open and getting settled in our new space! We hope that all of you are enjoying your new homes and have found Conifer Ridge to be a welcoming and comfortable place to call home!

As the weeks go by we will be completing updates to the lobby, including getting the TV in place and getting the permanent furniture and tables in place. Little by little we are finishing the trim items and other misc. items that still need to be completed in and around the property. We thank you for your patience as this work progresses at a slow but steady pace!

We strongly suggest not storing items in the garage! It is at your own risk and we aren’t liable for anything stolen or damaged. Any items that are not stored directly in front of your car will be tossed.

Bike racks are here and we are starting to hang these by request. Please let us know if you are interested; they will be hung in the garage in front of your parking space.

Pet waste stations will be installed on the property. Due to landscaping delays and the ground freezing sooner than later, these may not get installed until spring. We appreciate you picking up after your dog each and every time.

The chutes on the East end of the hallway are for garbage only. Please take your recyclables down to the garage and use the recycle bins. Recycling is picked up every Wednesday morning and bin access might be unavailable at that time. Mother Earth thanks you!

The next 2 buildings are on their way to completion! We are on schedule for the next building to open January 1 and the last building not too far behind that! Soon there won’t be any dirt, dust or construction workers to look at!


Social Responsibility                                                                

We here at North Lakes Property Management feel that it’s important to give back. Give to those in need; give to those who ask for it; and give just because we can. In the month of November we are inviting everyone at Conifer Ridge to give back too!

We will be having a Food Drive (non-perishable items) to support the North St Paul Food Shelf as well as a Toy Collection Drive (gently used or new) to support The Toy Shelf, Inc

Donation bins will be located in the lobby. THANK YOU!!!


Important Dates

10/31: Happy Halloween!     Refreshments and socializing in the lobby from 4-6pm.

11/11: Veterans Day. Thank you to all who serve our country!

11/23: Happy Thanksgiving! We are thankful for all of YOU! The office will be closed this day.

11/1-11/30: Food and Toy drives all month long!